Monday, March 14, 2011

Starting Fresh

Well this is my new blog.  I have wanted to blog for a while and I tried last year but nothing came of it.  Then I decided that I needed a menu.  A direction to go in.  I checked out a new site called House Honcho and she had specific things that she writes about each day.  I thought finally, I will do the same.  One of the things that I have found is that I need to take time for myself.  Now, my life has changed drastically over the past few years (and you will get to know more about that later) and I have always been of the martyr mentality.  Now what that means is that, I didn't mean to be a martyr but somehow I gave so much of myself to everyone else I had nothing left for me and when I didn't have something to do for others I often found that I didn't know what to do with myself when I did have "down" time.  It has been a constant struggle to find a balance in my life between work, home and family.  Now I don't think I have found it yet, but each day I think I get closer to it.  There are some things in my life that I want to change and I think, maybe, this blog might help me.

So here is my menu so far:
Monday - Meal Plan Monday
Tuesday - Gratitude / Random Acts of Kindness
Wednesday - Kids say the Darndest Things
Thursday - Featured site of the Week
Friday - Taking Care of Me
Saturday - Family Fun
Sunday - Whatever I feel like writing about!

Well.....there it is, yet one more attempt for me to start fresh.  My goal is to stick with this each day.  To take a few minutes each morning before my family rises to devote to this blog.

I hope you will follow!


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