Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday - Featured Site

Well I have been blogging for four whole days now.  (Again).  I am holding myself accountable for taking time for myself.  As moms we are often the last one to get any kind of time devoted to us.  We honestly have to TAKE time.  My husband is on me all the time to just do something for myself.  He enjoys the xbox and sometimes I play with him (I LOVE Rock Band) but otherwise I enjoy playing on my computer or my ipad.  I am excited that spring is coming so I can hopefully start getting outside a bit.  I am not an outside person but I am going to try and change that a little this year.

Over the years I have been going to one site that has impacted my life more than any other.  Now I am not where I should be but this website is about progress not perfection.  It is  Now most of america has heard of her by now, but if you haven't you should really visit.  It started with a shiny sink and now she is teaching american women (and men) how to get control of your house without it controling you.  It is called Finally Loving Yourself.  ****(Pardon me, I am reminded that she is WORLD WIDE)*****This blog is a way that I am finally loving myself.  I take a few mintues in the day to jot down what I am thinking and things I think other people would like to hear.

Flylady wants us to feel peace in our lives.  They have great resources on this website.  They also have weekly radio shows on blogtalk radio.  She has videos availble on iTunes Podcasts and she is on Facebook.  I personally love the facebook page the most.  I really get to connect with others who are struggling everyday just like me. 

They have also partnered with to provide a free online organizer with shopping lists and todo lists.  I have always use google calendars but I use both of them now with my family to help them keep up with chores and groceries that they would like me to pick up at the store. 

She has so many wonderful tools and a wonderful crew who helps her.  Please check out her site and see what it can do for you!

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